广州哪里回收百达翡丽手表_百达翡丽手表回收价格,高价回收手表18201884642微信同号 Back in 2014, Patek Philippe announced that the Chronograph Annual Calendar 5960 watch would be newly available in steel, in a move that makes sense for a brand that wants to appeal to a younger customer base in an already self-selective buyer's market. Not particularly for pricing concerns, but precious metals make it pretty much impossible for a watch to feel “sporty” in any way, let alone such a complicated watch like the 5960. In 2017, they released this, the Patek Philippe 5960/1A Annual Calendar Chronograph watch with a black dial. The result is the natural progression of what the brand intended with their desire to capture a younger market, and in my opinion it’s an aesthetic improvement and refinement. 早在2014年,百达翡丽就宣布5960计时年历腕表的不锈钢款将于最近上市,百达翡丽想要在自主选择手表品牌的市场中吸引到更年轻的目标消费者,出不锈钢款也无可厚非了! 不考虑价格因素,贵金属手表是很难做成运动风的,更不用说5960功能还那么复杂!2017年,百达翡丽发布了这款“百达翡丽5960 / 1A”年历计时腕表,黑色表盘。这是品牌想要抓年轻市场的自然进展,而且在我看来,这也是一个美学上的改进和完善。 The original 5960, released in 2006 was the first in-house chronograph produced by Patek so it’s not surprising that the brand would want to make sure they get these steel iterations just right in that it pleases collectors, enthusiasts, and of course, aspirational watch fans. The opaline/silver dial with black and red touches was a success but I don’t think I’m alone in preferring the newer black dial watch. Sporty, modern, and carrying an undoubtedly impressive movement, Patek has successfully created a lust worthy piece here for those of us who respect tradition without being burdened by the weight of dusty and unchanging style. 2006年发布的第一版5960是百达翡丽生产的第一款计时码表,百达翡丽是想确保这枚钢款的发布能够取悦那些手表收藏家,爱表人士,当然还有狂热的表迷。带黑色和红色时标刻度的银色或者说乳白色表盘设计还是很成功的,但我觉得我肯定不是唯一一个更喜欢这款黑色表盘手表的表友。更运动,更现代,并且搭载超凡机芯,百达成功为我们这种爱表人士打造出值得炫耀的手表,尊重传统,却不会囿于一成不变。 The 40.5mm wide and 13.5mm thick polished stainless steel case houses the deep ebony black opaline dial that is fortunately legible as well as attractive. The applied white gold hour markers, red seconds and chronograph hands, and white aspects of the monocounter at 6 o’clock keep the dial from being overwhelming considering how much is going on with the Patek Philippe 5960/1A. 40.5毫米宽和13.5毫米厚的抛光不锈钢表壳搭配乌木黑莹采表盘,非常吸睛而且易读时。考虑到5960/1A的动储时间,白金时标和红色秒针和6点钟方向的同轴计时器让表盘看起来没那么超负荷。 Things are flipped around from the silver dialed model, with the date/day/month apertures, hour markers, and outer ring of the monopusher contrasting against the black dial and looking a lot more harmonious. Personally, I felt the black framing of the date/day/month apertures on the previous model looked too stark. I think the best way I can put it is that they almost felt like black eyes on the face of the dial, though that might sound a little harsher than I intend.The power reserve indicator right at 12 o’clock still bothers me and just looks awkward, though the functional purpose of the complication is hard to deny. 这款腕表的颜色设计反差特别和谐,日期、星期、以及月份的显示窗口、时标和12小时计时圈都是乳白色,与乌木黑的表盘形成和谐对比。就我个人而言,我觉得第一款日期/日期/月份窗口的黑色框架看起来过于鲜明,就像表盘上长出的三只眼睛,当然这个说法有点夸张了。 12点钟位置的的动力储存显示我觉得有点别扭,看起来很笨拙,尽管是为了显示复杂的功能。 Something I have to add is the fact that I'm usually not the biggest fan of five-link bracelets, and this preference remains unchanged here. Above you can see the white gold and blue dial 5960, which I actually quite like on the leather strap, but the bracelet on the steel model is just not doing it for me. It is done as refined and as well as one can be though . 我想要补充一点,个人不太喜欢五排链的不锈钢表链,在百达翡丽新款这里也不例外。可以看到另外两款白金和蓝色的表盘,我特别喜欢他们配备的皮表带,不锈钢表链确实不太适合我。不过表链的做工还是非常精致的。 Seen from the caseback and adorned with a 21k gold rotor with the Patek Philippe seal, the in-house 28-520 IRM QA 24H movement is a mouthful, but a very impressive and significant one at that. Our David Bredan went into the movement when the previous steel model was introduced and I’ll repeat his summary of the movement here below: 再来看看表背,21k金打造中央自动盘上饰有百达翡丽标记,内部搭载的28-520 IRM QA 24H机芯是单向上弦,令人印象非常深刻。大卫·布雷丹(David Bredan)在介绍前作的不锈钢款时也提到里这款机芯,我将在下面简单介绍他对这一机芯的总结: "The movement inside (and take a deep breath now) is the completely in-house manufactured CH 28-520 IRM QA 24. That translated into watch-terminology means that the movement comprises a flyback chronograph, an annual calendar, a power-reserve indication (for what the brand notes as anything between 45 and 55 hours, likely depending on for how long the chronograph is in operation), and also a day-night indication. Its base movement contains 302 components, while the clever (and only 2.48 mm thick) annual calendar module adds another 154 parts to that." “这款机芯CH 28-520 IRM QA 24H(深呼吸准备好啦)完全是自主研发的。在手表圈中就意味着这款机芯,包括一个飞返计时,年历,动力储备(至少45小时最多55小时,可能取决于计时码表的使用时间),以及昼夜显示,其基础机芯部分包含302个组件,更巧妙的是只有2.48 毫米厚的年历模组构成了机芯另外的154个部分。 Price for the Patek Philippe 5960/1A Annual Calendar Chronograph in steel with black dial is unchanged at 45,000 CHF, which is just a hair over the same amount in US dollars. Considering this is the newer model, I haven’t seen many out there (although there are several white dial models available on the resale market). Time will tell if one or the other holds value better, but it will be interesting to see what Patek unveils next with their new products geared towards the younger market. patek.com 这款黑色表盘的百达翡丽5960/1A复杂功能时计腕表的价格为45,000瑞士法郎,人民币384300元。考虑到这是最新的表款,我还没见过几个人佩戴(虽然在转售市场上出现过几款白色表盘的表款)。时间会告诉我们,如果这几款能够有好的保值,那么关注百达翡丽接下来将推出的面向年轻市场的新腕表肯定会分非常有趣! 知否知否,应是绿肥红瘦》(以下简称《知否》)必须有姓名!这部剧由冯绍峰、朱一龙和赵丽颖主演,并由金牌制作团队正午阳光制作,严格把控影片质量。播出至今,不仅夺得网络播放量同比的第一,就连卫视同时段的第一也一同拿下了。大家关心的除了刚刚大婚的冯绍峰、赵丽颖在戏内是否会延续恩爱剧情,还有最让人心疼的是朱一龙扮演的小公爷和赵丽颖扮演的六妹妹明兰的甜涩初恋。 赵丽颖、冯绍峰主演的《知否》剧照 戏外,冯绍峰与赵丽颖已经“有情人终成眷属” 了,也在孕育着一位新的生命,可以说是甜蜜得羡煞旁人;戏里,剧情已经发展到了20多集,赵丽颖的心却还在朱一龙的身上。不禁让观众猜想整部剧的情感走向。 冯绍峰与赵丽颖《知否》剧照 赵丽颖扮演六妹妹盛明兰 朱一龙扮演小公爷元若 为什么称这部剧为“良心之作”呢?导演团队和制作团队均来自正午阳光影视制作集团,而这一集团的每部作品必属精品,比如《琅琊传》、《伪装者》等等。 导演张开宙在和演员讲戏 导演张开宙擅长用影视化的手法,重现故事情节,小到细节的拿捏,大到剧情走向的把控,《知否》还没完结,却获得了观众的好评和喜爱。 《知否》中一幕春季谷雨时节的场景 小公爷为母亲祝寿送上的花灯 除了服化道在线,剧中的演员演技也十分在线。主演之一的赵丽颖扮演的六妹妹盛明兰从小丧母(大概是女主标配的故事情节),被养在祖母的身边,从少时就懂得隐忍顾全大局,知道事事不能强出头。 赵丽颖在剧中的少女扮相 剧情还未播出一半,却从发生的脉络中无不透露着为人处世的哲理。就拿剧中明兰(赵丽颖饰)的哥哥成婚,对母亲约束管教刚进门的儿媳妇,这位哥哥也是理直气壮的护内“儿子替不了新妇生育,新妇也不必为我承担前程的重担”。 儿子反驳母亲,实力护内 除了教导丈夫如何稳定“后方”,改善婆媳关系,剧中还有非常经典的一幕,是让父母学会如何平衡子女之间的关系。古时人们生养较多,现在二胎政策也放开了,家中子女不是独子的,则要教导他们如何和谐相处,要做到“一碗水端平”。 “互相谦让,而不是总让一方谦让” 而戏外,男主演冯绍峰与朱一龙的表品也受到了大家的关注,在前段时间的跨年演唱会彩排上,他佩戴了一枚爱彼皇家橡树离岸系列腕表。 冯绍峰佩戴爱彼皇家橡树离岸系列腕表参与彩排 在与赵丽颖“官宣”之后,冯绍峰在朋友圈晒出了两人的甜蜜合照,当时我们就发现他手上戴了一块里查德米尔。 冯绍峰佩戴里查德米尔男士系列RM 11-03 Mclaren腕表 其实,冯绍峰也是个隐藏表迷,他私下的照片中手表的出现频率挺高的。爱彼、里查德米尔、沛纳海、百达翡丽……涵盖运动款到正装表。 冯绍峰佩戴沛纳海LUMINOR 1950系列PAM00441腕表 冯绍峰佩戴里查德米尔男士系列RM 011 FLYBACK CHRONOGRAPH腕表(类似款) 冯绍峰佩戴百达翡丽运动系列5990/1A-001腕表 演员冯绍峰 冯绍峰出生于1978年,今年已经40岁的他现在更多人喊他“冯叔”。入行多年后,2011年凭借与杨幂主演的《宫锁心玉》才得以大火。而后,他并没有选择继续主演偶像剧中的男主角,而是把更多的精力放在电影中。这部《知否》其实也不算真正意义上的“偶像剧”,在我看来,它更像是一部成长纪录片。 小时候的冯绍峰(图片来源见水印) 幼年的冯绍峰 也许是在娱乐圈多年来的摸爬滚打,让冯绍峰格外珍惜每一次塑造角色的过程,考入电影学院之后,直到主演《宫锁心玉》大火,他一共塑造过大大小小几十个角色。不管是什么样的配角,他都诠释的很好。和冯绍峰一样,也是在而立之年才有所名气,甚至火遍大江南北的另一位主演朱一龙,也是一位隐藏表迷。他的喜好就更加广泛一些,与腕表品牌的合作机会随着影响力的提升愈来愈多。 左起:朱一龙、冯绍峰 朱一龙参与的杂志拍摄内页 朱一龙佩戴斯沃琪SKINNOIRIRON SYXS100腕表 在前段时间朱一龙参与的杂志拍摄中,他佩戴了一枚斯沃琪腕表,在很多人心里斯沃琪的受众可能偏年轻化一些,这正好符合了朱一龙粉丝的受众,“镇魂”女孩、“居居”女孩的年纪都不大,而这枚腕表的售价也仅为人民币1180元,get“居居”同款简直轻而易举。 朱一龙佩戴百达翡丽运动系列5726A-001腕表(鹦鹉螺) 当然,朱一龙自己选择腕表时,可能会选择更符合他年龄感的腕表,比如上面这款百达翡丽鹦鹉螺月相款,他的私照中曾经不只一次的出现,参加正式场合的活动时也曾佩戴过。 朱一龙佩戴百达翡丽运动系列5726A-001腕表(鹦鹉螺) 看来朱一龙和冯绍峰一样,都是百达翡丽的爱好者呢,除了百达翡丽,朱一龙还曾经佩戴过雅克德罗、欧米茄腕表。 朱一龙佩戴雅克德罗大秒针系列J007030245腕表 朱一龙佩戴雅克德罗大秒针系列J003033204腕表 朱一龙佩戴欧米茄超霸系列腕表 2018年,对于朱一龙来说可以说是转折性的一年,这一年他凭借作品《镇魂》赢得了许多人的喜欢,我没看过这部电视剧,所以当时对这样大火的明星并没有什么感受。但是在《知否》播出之后,我似乎明白了他收到大伙喜爱的原因——敬业、负责。他始终把自己放在演员的身份,而不是明星。 《知否》频频上热搜,朱一龙扮演的小公爷元若和赵丽颖所扮演的六妹妹之间的对白登上热搜第一 元若与六妹妹 “六妹妹,叫我一声元若吧”,在送别赵丽颖扮演的六妹妹时,心中以为和对方还有往后,所抱有希望的小公爷说出了这一句话,朱一龙在剧中很好的把握住了这个有“人味”的角色。他被母亲保护得太好,以至于并不能设身处地的明白六妹妹的苦楚,但角色对于六妹妹的真情实感,仿佛从朱一龙的眼睛中不断的流露出来。 广州哪里回收百达翡丽手表_百达翡丽手表回收价格 |