5月26日,在上海世博创意秀场,Auditoire旗下的Luxury Makers举行了“伯爵Altiplano诞生60周年庆典”
On May 26, LUXURY MAKERS by AUDITOIREproduced “PIAGET Altiplano 60th Anniversary Celebration”@ Shanghai Expo I-Pavilion
此次庆典盛况空前,AUDITOIRE 旗下的 LUXURY MAKERS 团队别出心裁,为伯爵奢侈品手表品牌全力打造了一场高端雅致的庆典仪式。充分利用了时间的概念,让嘉宾们通过穿越时间的隧道进入伯爵 Altiplano 的世界。
In the special occasion of PIAGET Altiplano 60th Anniversary, LUXURY MAKERS TEAM (by AUDITOIRE) aimed at recreating the elegant environment for this great luxury watch brand, taking the guests to a journey beyond time into the world of PIAGET Altiplano.
优雅简洁并灵活变化的入口︰ 醒目的品牌标识就位于狭窄的通道口, 此灵感来源于伯爵手表的超薄机芯。/ Elegant and dynamic entrance: a narrow tunnel entrance with the iconic branding, inspired by the thinness of Piaget Altiplano.
热烈的欢迎仪式 / A warm welcome
品牌的历史长廊 / Historical corridor
细数展馆墙上 Altiplano 超薄腕表的60年历史,分秒间的突破超越,方寸间的至臻追求,只为打造腕间简约优雅的格调,并向自由主义致敬。/ A journey through 60 years of history of the Altiplano ultra-thin watch.
品牌背景墙拍摄 / Photo call backdrop
墙上的画框:展示着所有配戴伯爵Altiplano手表的名人— 优雅高端并简洁干练的风格得到各位名人的认同。/ Wall of frames: Showcasing all the celebrities who wear Piaget Altiplano – embracing the ultimate elegant dandy style.
现场展出了多款 Altiplano 系列腕表,伯爵 Altiplano 通过对极致美学的追求,以低调典雅的风格,感染并带领客人融入伯爵 Altiplano 的世界。/ Product Display – Recreating an animated backdrop immersing guests into the world of Piaget Altiplano.
展厅里展出了Altiplano系列走过的六十年/ Altiplano 60 years of history…
伯爵 Altiplano 系列在不断融汇丰富的技术元素(包括日历和计时秒表功能)的同时,仍保持着经典的纤薄外形和高雅气质。/ Piaget Altiplano series always improving and adding new functions while maintaining the classic thin and elegant shape.
照片拍摄角:为客人戴上 Altiplano 手表、拍摄照片、提供体验Altiplano精华的机会,此生完美的纪念佳品。/ Photo booth: A chance to experience the Piaget Altiplano with a photo shooting. A perfect souvenir to remember.
走廊 — 私人试戴区 / Corridor – private try-on area
代表60周年的数字6从天而降,正好与一个旋转的灯环共同组成了数字“60” / A revolving ring and the drop down of the number ‘6’ forming a 3D light box installation of ‘60’.
晚宴:10个圆形的餐桌以白色花朵装饰,配上印有皮亚杰签名的蓝色元素,处处散发着高雅的气息。/ Gala Dinner: An elegant set-up of 10 round tables with white flower decoration and Piaget signature blue color elements, giving a touch of elegance.
开幕式上令人叹为观止的灯光秀,让客人沉醉在Altiplano的光辉历史中。/ An impactful opening lighting show. The guests felt immersed in the tale of Altiplano heritage.
品牌推广大使胡歌出现在晚会现场。他腕上佩戴的正是今年 SIHH 期间推出的 Altiplano 六十周年纪念款。胡歌现场也说,这也是他最喜欢的 Altiplano。/ Brand ambassador Hu Ge, wearing his favourite Altiplano watch, enters through the light portal to meet media for an exclusive discussion and Q&A session.
击掌表演: 12 位舞者沿着圆形舞台呈现出的时钟形状站立。每一声拍手点亮一位舞者, 拍手一声接着一声,舞者一个接着一个被点亮,正如时钟上走着的一秒接着一秒。/ Clapping performance: 12 dancers along the round shape of the stage representing the clock. Each clap lights up the dancers, the clap goes around the stage one by one, like a clock ticks second by second.
现代舞蹈: 手表的侧面转换成了Altiplano 的一条地平线,迎接由现代舞者带来的极致优雅的景象。 / Modern dance: The profile of the watch transforms into the line of Altiplano horizon, welcoming contemporary dancers into a scene of ultimate elegance.
时装秀: 12位模特带着12款Altiplano手表穿越时间的长廊。/ Catwalk show: 12 models wearing the 12 Altiplano watches walking through time.
A show where product meets lifestyle, past meets present...
与此同时,AUDITOIRE 也在幕后...
Stay tuned for more unforgettable experiences, the best is yet to come… |